"I don't want to get off this plane..." I knew that the second I stepped out, I would be all alone in a strange place. Hours went by, as I explained to the passenger next to me the motives behind my decision to work and live in Japan for a year. She didn't quite understand. I didn't either, but the feeling of the unknown excited me and scared me at the same time. As the plane approached the ground 12 hours after leaving everything I had ever known, I took a deep breath and tried to reassure myself. I've had gone this far. There was no way back. There was no time for regrets. I needed to get prepared for the consequences of my decision. I grabbed my bags and made my way out of the plane to feel the hot humid air that had the smell of tribulation and opportunity.
Its been a year today since I was first walking the streets of my new neighbourhood. I clearly remember wondering if I would ever be capable of getting through a year in a place that felt so distant from home. I never thought I would say this, but I feel comfortable here and the thought of coming back home is scarier than what I felt a year ago in that airplane.
I extended my contract with Agora and I'll be back in Canada on December 6th, in time to celebrate Christmas with my family. I was lucky to be able to work for a private company that allowed me to extend for any period of time. I know that if I extended any longer, it would be even harder get back home. I have a life here, a job and great friends. There is no reason for me to come back, but this experience has given me the confidence to do something greater with my life and that "something" won't be in Japan. So the big plan is to come back home, sit on my mom's couch for a month and relax, then visit friends and family around the holiday season. In January, I'm starting school at Ryerson and hopefully by the end of the session I will have a job. If not, im travelling through Europe to see Heidi in Spain and Diane in England.
This is all I've got for now. I will try and write more at a later time. It's been a long time since my last posting. I hope everyone is doing well!
I'm now going to the center of town to purchase my plane ticket to Canada.