Thursday, August 04, 2005

It was 4:03pm in the afternoon yesterday when an Air France airbus crashed in a creek near the 401. For anyone that wasn't in Toronto yesterday, the weather was quite atrocious and it caused the plane to skid on the landing. Luckily, there were no victims from the crash and the local news called it a miracle! There were only about 40 minor injuries, but left many many people in a great deal of shock. Right after the accident, the passengers ran away from the wreckage and went to cover from the heavy rain under a bridge until some buses stopped by to pick some of them up. It was not too long after they escaped the wreck that the plane blew up in smoke and filled the air with a black heavy hue.

At 4:03pm, I was on a bus on my way downtown and the rain had not yet reached my part of the city. I was calmly reading my book when all of a sudden it started to pour down. From my window I could see people running around looking for shelter. Never would I have thought that merely a few miles away from me these 347 plane passengers survived such a tragedy. The worse is that I did not know about it until I got home at around 10 o'clock that night when my mom told me. I felt strange thinking that this could have maybe happened to me last thursday when I was the one coming back from Paris if it was pouring with rain. When you look at the wreckage on the news today, it is impossible to think that anyone survived. I think it is important to send our thoughts to these people that miraculously got out of this plane with their lives. These people will have to live with this experience for the rest of their lives, and many of these passengers were children. Sure it makes a wonderful story to tell their grand children, but today they all look at life under a different light. Remember to live by the moment and tell the people around you that you love them, because you just never know what the next day will bring. Sure im being a big sap, and some of you problably want to hit me over the head with a baseball bat, but deep inside you know I am right. Right?

So there... I love you :)
and kisses to all!

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