Today I started my last week of work before my holidays and before leaving for Canada. I really have no idea what I will be doing home, but I am extremly excited about this trip. I don't even know what I will be doing for New Year's Eve, but just the thought of being home is enough for me. I know that counting down the days to my trip must make it seem like I just can't longer stand Japan, but that is definetly not the case. Japan has made me think very hard of many things I have left behind, and it will be nice to go back and revisit all of these wondeful things just for a little bit. I know that once I am back in this country and back at work, the rest of the year will not seem as long. I just need to go to what I know and what I love just for a short time. It's like adding fuel to the fire in a way. Also, there is a great possibility that I travel to Thailand in March and that my mom comes visit in the spring, so that gives me other great things to look forward to before my contract is over. And to tell you the truth, I dont think a year will be long enough. I wouldn't want to stay an extra year, but maybe a few more months to continue travelling and saving up for some upcoming trips. Ive been thinking about doing an European tour when I get back with some of my savings. Anyone interested? Don't worry mom, I will make sure to pay off all of my debts before I pay for an expensive trip. :)
On other news, I really didn't think it would snow this much in Japan. It has snowed non-stop since sunday afternoon and everything is covered in snow. It is quite beautiful especially since we are surrounded by mountains. I'm sure that the skiing in this country is great and I can't wait to hit the slops when I get back from my holidays. Im thinking of investing in some snowblades. I wonder if Santa will be generous this year... *ponder*
Last Saturday, I went to one of many christmas parties. It was the James School christmas party, the school for which my friend Diane and neighbour Jason work for. It was another night spent meeting new people, mostly students and their friends. One of the guests was this one French guy from Paris, who my friend Diane thought of hooking me up with... but meh. She thought, "hey, he's French and she speaks French. This is a match made in heaven." I wish it was that easy, in fact I am looking for a French man to give me European citizenship so that I can live my dreamlife in Paris. Wouldnt that be grand?! But alas, he was 20 years old and although he looked little like Sam Roberts (but much younger without all of the facial hair), I would still give him a few more years to mature. I'm still single and I'm planning on staying that way for a VERY long time. I never thought I would enjoy being alone this much. I just love coming back home from work take a hot bath, make myself some dinner, read a book or watch a movie and go to bed at a decent time to wake up the next day completly rested. I don't owe anything to anyone, no commitment. It's super! And what better thing to do in the winter time anyway!
So here is one picture from that party. Here you see Diane, myself and Donna:

Donna had a good laugh that night when we were returning from the second party. As you can see in this picture, I was somewhat dressed up and of course I was wearing my heals. Heals or no heals, riding my bike has become second nature for me. In fact, I can't imagine not having a bike when I return from Japan. It is just so convenient. Anyway, that night my heal kept on getting stuck in my peddle, something that has never happened before. So after a few drinks, getting my heal stuck in my peddle for a last time was sure to end in some kind of incident. So as we were turning a corner, my foot locked in my peddle and this time I wasnt sharp enough to get myself out of what was about to happen, and this is what I told Donna, "Donna, could you slow down a bit, my heal is stuck again and I will have to fall." Yes, I had time to say this before actually hitting the ground. I literally let myself hit the ground because I knew there was no way for me not to fall. My foot was stuck and there was nothing I could do about it, but fall off my bike to fix it (at that point in time and in the condition I was in). There were a million other options other than falling on my ass, but I chose that one. Needless to say, we had a great laugh as well as other passing drunk japanese business men. I would like to give a big thumbs up to alcohol for making the fall less painful than it actually looked. It was a long and high fall, so I woke up the next day with somewhat of a bruise on my left bum cheek. Playing with the kindergraten kids this morning was somewhat tricky, but it does give me and Donna something funny to laugh about.
The next day, streets were filled with snow and ice and I rode my bike everywhereno problem... go figure. I also had to go to 3 different supermarkets to find some chicken for dinner. It was quite frustrating, but the chicken curry was excellent Diane, thanks.
I would like to give a shout out to Nayeli my dearest Mexicana who has left Canada for an indifinte period of time. I wish you all the luck in the world beautiful and I really hope that you come back to us in September. I have a feeling that we will have a giant reunion in the next year. 2006 is announcing itself to be great.. I can't wait to start fresh in a peaceful state of mind. Life is beautiful.
You don't even need to ask for a travel partner- you know I'm always up for an adventure and any excuse to travel is a good one! And you also know that I'm constantly travelling but there are a few places I haven't been- Morocco, Mexico, and Ireland all sound good...
I was actually thinking of going to Mexico to see our dear Mexicana. I haven't been to a real beach in so long. Let's look into it. :) see you in a week!!!!
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